Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Micah's 6 Month Check-up


Height: 26.5 inches (55th percentile)
Weight: 17 lbs 10 ounces (54th percentile)
Head Circumference: 43.5 cm (44th percentile)

Monday, April 12, 2010

Art Class

Noah is taking an art class this semester entitled "Preschool Picassos." It's a fun time for he and I to spend together without baby brother tagging along. Today, we painted apple trees and Noah LOVED the glitter! This picture is after I spent a few minutes cleaning him up.
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Monday, April 5, 2010

Catching Up...

I'm so behind on my blogging! We have had a busy couple of months.

In February, we had two big trips. First to see Great Grammy and Great Pap Pap in Florida. Then to Arizona to visit the Uhls. Noah had a blast playing with Jack and Charlotte and came home running faster and using more words.

A highlight in Arizona was a visit to a children's museum. All of the exhibits are hand-on opportunities for the kids to explore and imagine. Noah especially liked getting a ride from Grammy on the tricycle.

On February 27, Noah turned two years old. We celebrated at home with Grammy and Grandpap and Grandma Lola and Grandpa Abby. Noah got a picnic table and a play kitchen. Noah enjoys grilling up plastic hot-dogs on his grill and serving them on the picnic table. At his two-year doctor's appointment, Noah height and weight were both around the 50th percentile.

Noah continues to be a content and easy-going boy. He is adding new words to his vocabulary daily. His current favorite foods are bagels and cookies. He loves to play outside and get dirty. Two new words are "dirt" and "stick." He is constantly trying to bring sticks into the house. He also has a new fascination of motorcycles. His eyes light up and he says "bike, more bike" when we get passed by a motorcycle on the road.

In March, Noah, Micah and I joined a gym. There is a big children's center and a baby room, so I get to have some time to myself to exercise while the children are looked after. Our gym has an indoor pool, so Noah gets to occasionally join me during family swim hours. He is a bit timid, but warms up quickly and enjoys splashing around.

On March 19th, Micah turned 4 months old. His personality runs hot and cold, so he keeps us on our toes. That said, we are experiencing more happy days. He flashes us smiles to show off his two front bottom teeth. Micah is a chunky baby - already wearing 9-month clothing. At this 4-month doctor's appointment, he weight 15 lbs, 9 ounces (about the 70th percentile). Micah eats on a three hour schedule during the day, and still wakes several times at night for snacks. We will be starting rice cereal soon...stay posted!

After a miserable winter, we seem to have skipped spring and headed straight into summer. Today the temperature was almost 90 degrees. We are so happy to be outside. Noah particularly loves trips to Grammy and Grandpap's house. You never know what project Grandpap will be up to and Noah always wants to help. Recently, Noah assisted in preparing the lawnmower for spring and cleaning out the shed.

Easter Sunday

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Bouncing Baby Boy

Yum Yum

Noah is entering the "do it myself" phase, most notably when it comes to eating with his spoon. Notice the empty yogurt cup stacked on the sippy cup. He probably gets about two-thirds into his mouth, which I consider a success.

Monday, February 8, 2010

snow, Snow, SNOW!

This has been a winter for the record books. Two feet of snow before Christmas, then another storm last Friday and Saturday deposited almost three feet of snow. Yesterday I bundled Noah up and we ventured outside - an excursion that lasted only about 10 minutes. Noah wasn't really sure what to do in the snow which towers over his head.